Three dominant Neoseiulus species with big spermathecae are discriminated by the shape of spermathecae in this step.
The specimen maybe Neoseiulus makuwa (マクワカブリダニ) if spermatheca is narrow in the middle and gradually expands. Genu of leg IV (Genu IV) has a macroseta and basitarsus IV has 2 macrosetae.
The specimen maybe Neoseiulus barkeri (ヘヤカブリダニ) if the major duct of spermatheca appear to be 2, and basitarsus IV has a macroseta.
The specimen maybe Neoseiulus harrowi (ホウレンソウカブリダニ) if spermatheca shapes a nawwor tube and expands at the end of the tube, and basitarsus IV has a macroseta.