The "long and short setae" group is divided into 5 patterns in this step.
1. Choose the drawing pictures at upper outside left or upper inside left if three dorsal setae (s4, Z4, Z5) are long. The specimen maybe one of five Amblyseius species.
2. Choose the drawing picture at upper inside right if two dorsal setae (Z4, Z5) are long. The specimen maybe one of two Scapulaseius species.
3. Choose the drawing picture at upper outside right if two dorsal setae (s4, Z5) are long, and if s4 is longer than Z5. The specimen maybe Amblydromallus limonicus.
4. Choose the drawing picture at lower left if four dorsal setae (j3, s4, Z4, Z5) are long. The specimen maybe one of three Paraphytoseius species. Paraphytoseius species are not discriminated in this section.